Sire: First Down Kid (Touchdown Kid) Dam: Pass The TE Plez
2008 American Paint Horse Association
World Champion
In Open Weanling Class
2009 Dixie National Paint-O-Rama
Reserve Grand Champion
In Open Yearling Class
This outstanding nine year old Stallion has achieved much in a very limited show schedule. World Champion Tobiano Stallion as a Weanling, Reserve World Champion as a two year old and Register of Merit. Touchdown is for sale and would make a great addition to your breeding program. He will make a perfect addition to someone's breeding program. Contact us today for more information.
Click on photos above to enlarge
Magnolia Classic
West Monroe, Louisiana
Open 2 Year Old Stallion/Gelding Champion
Grand Champion Stallion/Gelding
Reserver Grand Champion Stallion/Gelding x3
Azalea Classic
West Monroe, Louisiana
Grand Champion 2 Year Old Stallion
Little Rock, Arkansas
Grand Champion Yearling Stallions
Grand Champion x3
Reserve Grand Champion
Alvarado, Texas
Open Yearling Stallion Champion
Ruston, Louisiana
Open Yearling Stallion Champion
Jackson Mississippi
Dixie Nationals Paint -O-Rama
Open Reserve Champion
Fort Worth Livestock Show
Open - Reserve Grand Champion
Yearling Stallions
** 2010 APHA Reserve World Champion **
2 Year Old Tobiano Stallion
c. 2017 BBR RANCH is a division of Brobst Properties, LLC